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  Cells of the immune system, known as white blood cells, are found in our bone marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils, and in the liver of embryos. When microorganisms, such as bacteria or viruses invade the body, non-specific defense mechanisms provide the first line of defense. Innate Immune System The innate immune system is a non-specific response that includes primary deterrents. These deterrents ensure protection against numerous germs and parasitic pathogens (fungi, nematodes, etc.). There are physical deterrents (skin and nasal hairs), chemical deterrents (enzymes found in perspiration and saliva), and inflammatory reactions (initiated by immune cells). These particular mechanisms are named appropriately because their responses are not specific to any particular pathogen. Think of these as a perimeter alarm system in a house. No matter who trips the motion detectors, the alarm will sound. White blood cells invo


  Here   are  some websites   that  are  really  informative   and   entertaining ,which  you can  bookmarked   for  future  reference.   A great blog for anyone looking to streamline their life, Lifehacker provides tricks and tips for getting stuff done. Whether you need tips to help with time management or a shortcut to completing a certain task, Lifehacker is a great site that can help you solve almost any problem. Visit Lifehacker. Reddit .   Reddit is a social news site. Simply subscribe to threads based on topics of interest (or even your geographical location) to see the best user-submitted topics rise to the top. You can contribute links to the community as well, plus choose to get involved with the discussions if you want. Visit Reddit. Product Hunt   Want to be the first to know about the best new products and services that launch? Product Hunt is sort of like Reddit for entrepreneurs and creative people who want to pr

WHAT IS Scareware

    Scareware is deception software. It is also known as "rogue scanner" software or "fraudware," the purpose of which is to frighten people into purchasing and installing it. Just like any trojan software, scareware deceives unwitting users into double-clicking and installing the product. In the case of scareware, the scam tactic is to display frightening screens of your computer being attacked, and then the scareware will make claims to be the antivirus solution to those attacks. Scareware and rogue scanners have become a multimillion-dollar scam business, and thousands of users fall for this online scam every month. Preying on people's fear and lack of technical knowledge, scareware products will bilk a person for $19.95, just by displaying a bogus screen of a virus attack. Scareware scammers use fake versions of virus alerts and other system problem messages. These fake screens are often very convincing and will fool 80% of the


  Research shows   that what you eat can be one of the most important factors to living a long, healthy life. Along with exercise, your diet can be extremely effective  at preventing chronic disease and promoting health and longevity. Eating a significant portion of these 6 nutrient-dense foods every day can help you naturally strengthen your immune system and could add years to your life by boosting your health. GREEN VEGETABLES .  Raw, leafy greens are packed with nutrients but are super low in calories. At only about 100 calories per pound, leafy greens are an excellent weight-loss food, since they can be eaten in virtually unlimited amounts. Greens provide protection for blood vessels, promote good eyesight, and are associated with lowering the risk for diabetes. Several of these vegetables, among them arugula, bok choy, kale, and collard greens, belong to the cruciferous family, a particular type of vegetable known for its cancer-fighting properties. Remember


  About the size of a pearl, the hypothalamus directs a multitude of important functions in the body. Located in the diencephalon region of the fore brain, the hypothalamus is the control center for many autonomic functions of the peripheral nervous system. Connections with structures of the endocrine and nervous systems enable the hypothalamus to play a vital role in maintaining homeostasis. Homeostasis is the process of maintaining bodily equilibrium by monitoring and adjusting physiological processes. Blood vessel connections between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland allow hypothalamic hormones to control pituitary hormone secretion. Some of the physiological processes regulated by the hypothalamus include blood pressure, body temperature, cardiovascular system functions, fluid balance, and electrolyte balance. As a limbic system structure, the hypothalamus also influences various emotional responses. The hypothalamus regulates emotional respo


  THE   ANCIENT   EGYPTIANS    believed   in   life  after   death.They   preserved   the  bodies  of  the  dead   by  mummification  .Members   of  the  royal    family  were  kept  in  the  pyramids    which  were  actually    grand  graves   made  for  the  Pharaohs  .Scientists    have  found   mummies   in  many   pyramids  .The  Egyptians      empire  arose   5000  years  ago   when   the  first  Pharaoh   united  the  people  in  the   south and  north.The  pyramids    and  the  temple  of  Abu   Simbel  ,which  have  already  been   converted   once,  witness  the   highly  advanced     civilization  of  the  Egyptians. THE  PHARAOHS   -  The   word  'Pharaohs'  comes  from  per aa  which   means  'large  house'.The  Egyptians   rulers   were  called   Pharaoh    from  about  1500  BC .The  Pharaohs   were   worshiped  like  a  God .He  was  the  top  most judge  and  the  supreme  commander   of  the  people .  One  of  the  most  fam


  For the first time, scientists have identified the activity of a metabolic enzyme found in the batteries of human skin cells declines with age, an advance that may lead to powerful anti-aging treatments.  A Newcastle University study, published online in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, has found that the activity of mitochondrial complex II significantly decreases in older skin.  This discovery brings experts a step closer to developing powerful anti-aging treatments and cosmetic products which may be tailored to counteract the decline in the enzyme's  activity levels, researchers said. The findings may also lead to a greater understanding of how other organs in the body age, which could pave the way for drug developments in a number of age-related diseases, including cancer.  As our bodies age, we see that the batteries in our cells run down, known as decreased bio-energy, and harmful free radicals increase," said Mark Birch-Machin, Profe