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Domain Name System, or DNS

  Domain Name System, or DNS, is the friendly naming system for giving addresses to web servers and web pages. Somewhat like international phone numbers, the domain name system gives every server a memorable and easy-to-spell address. Simultaneously, the domain names hide the really technical IP address which most viewers aren't interested in. Examples of  Internet Domain Names   How Domain Names Are Spelled​​ 1) Domain names are organized right to left, with general descriptors to the right, and specific descriptors to the left. It is like family surnames to the right, specific person names to the left. These descriptors are called "domains". 2) The "top level domains" (TLD, or parent domain) is to the far right of a domain name. Mid-level domains (children and grandchildren) are in the middle. The machine name, often "www", is to the far left. 3) Levels of domains are separated by periods ("dots...


  The acronym HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It's the primary markup language used to write content on the web. Every single web page on the internet has at least some HTML markup included in its source code, and most websites are comprised of many.HTML or .HTM files. Whether or not you intend to build a website is irrelevant. Knowing what HTML is, how it came to exist and the basics of how the markup language is constructed really show the amazing versatility of this basic website architecture and how it continues to be a major part of how we view the web.  If you're online, then you've come across at least a few instances of HTML, probably without even realizing it. HTML was created in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, the official creator, and founder of what we now know as the World Wide Web. He came up with the idea of sharing information no matter where a computer was located, through the use of hyperlinks (HTML-coded links that connect one resou...


    A password manager is an application that can generate, store  securely, retrieve, and manage passwords and other login credentials.  It helps   keeping your privacy safe while browsing the web and accessing your favorite online services.  Password managers let you collect and store all of your passwords and login information for various accounts in one easy-to-access app that can log you in to any service you have subscribed to with just a couple of clicks or taps.   Password managers are the safest way to keep track of your passwords, as they allow you to use stronger passwords without needing to memorize anything. Security experts generally recommend using password managers to keep your data safe.   The ease of access to your passwords usually puts an end to two of the most common security problems involving online services: using the same password for multiple sites, and using easy to reme...


  While   surfing  the Web,  these commands  could  help  you  and  are absolutely worth learning. By making repetitive motions faster, web surfing becomes so easy  and    pleasant! The following shortcuts can  be   work with desktop versions of Chrome, Firefox, and IE. ; CTRL-T to launch a new browser tab page. Tabbed pages are very useful: they let you open multiple web pages simultaneously without the same memory load as a full browser window.  Simply press CTRL-T to launch a new tab. Related: use CTRL-Page Up and CTRL-Page Down to navigate between the tabs.  CTRL-Enter to type 'www.' and '.com' ...


    Being   grateful     can  help   you  to  keep  your  heart  healthy ,yes   this  is   true.According  to  a  new    research  ,published   by   the  American  Psychological   Association ,being  grateful    is  associated  with  better  mood,higher quality  sleep   and  less   inflammation  in  patients  with  asymptomatic  heart  failure . Recognizing    and   giving  thanks  for  the  positive   aspects   of  life  can  result  in   improved  mental   and  physical   health  in  patients   with  asymptomatic   heart  failure . "We  found  that  more   gr...


In  a   new   study   ,researchers     have  found   that  moderate  exercise   could  halve the   risk  of  dying   from  a  heart  attack    for  someone  in  their    fifties   or  sixties. Just  25 minutes of brisk walking a day can add up to seven years to your life, according to health experts.      A   new study presented at the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress suggested that regular exercise can increase life span. A  group of 69 healthy non-smokers, aged between  30 and 60, who did not take regular exercise were tested as part of the study at Saar land University in Germany. Blood tests taken during six months of regular aerobic exercise, high-intensity interval training and strength training showed that an anti-aging process had been triggered and helped repa...