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Now   people  are turning to the Web for entertainment,  including  movies, TV shows, and videos. Some  sites are the best on the Web for finding all sorts of multimedia, anything from documentaries to classic TV shows to action-packed movies  made for popcorn and soda. These are free resources that anyone can use. Here  are  some  sites   that  you  can  enjoy  on  the  net. Surf The Channel: Surf The Channel is a great source for hundreds of different shows in a wide range of categories. It's a video search engine, so you can use it find movies, TV shows, videos, short films, and animation – all in the same place. IMDB: IMDB, also known as the Internet Movie Database, has added free full length movies and TV shows to its already large and informative site. You can also use IMDB to look up information about any actor: upcoming movies, current projects, images, and movie...


महाशिवरात्रि   हिन्दुओं का एक प्रमुख त्यौहार है। यह भगवान शिव का प्रमुख पर्व है। फाल्गुन कृष्ण चतुर्दशी को शिवरात्रि पर्व मनाया जाता है। माना जाता है कि सृष्टि का प्रारंभ इसी दिन से हुआ। पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार इस दिन सृष्टि का आरम्भ अग्निलिंग ( जो महादेव का विशालकाय स्वरूप है ) के उदय से हुआ। अधिक तर लोग यह मान्यता रखते है कि इसी दिन भगवान शिव का विवाह देवि पार्वति के साथ हुआ था। साल में होने वाली 12 शिवरात्रियों में से महाशिवरात्रि की सबसे महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है। कश्मीर शैव मत में इस त्यौहार को हर-रात्रि और बोलचाल में 'हेराथ' या 'हेरथ' भी जाता है।  महाशिवरात्रि से संबधित कई पौराणिक कथायें है:   समुद्र मंथन अमर अमृत का उत्पादन करने के लिए निश्चित थी, लेकिन इसके साथ ही हलाहल नामक विष भी पैदा हुआ था। हलाहल विष में ब्रह्मांड को नष्ट करने की क्षमता थी और इसलिए केवल भगवान शिव इसे नष्ट कर सकते थे। भगवान शिव ने हलाहल नामक विष को अपने कंठ में रख लिया था। जहर इतना शक्तिशाली था कि भगवान शिव बहुत दर्द से पीड़ित थे और उनका गला बहुत नीला हो गया था। इस कारण से...


C++ is a cross-platform language that can be used to create high-performance applications. C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, as an extension to the C language . C++ gives programmers a high level of control over system resources and memory. It is widely used in building real-time, image processing, mobile sensor applications , and visual effects, modeling which is mainly coded in C++. This developed software used for animation, environments, motion graphics, virtual reality, and character creation.   C ++, pronounced " C plus plus ," is a programming language that was built off the C language. The syntax of C++ is nearly identical to C , but it has object-oriented features, which allow the programmer to create objects within the code. This makes programming easier, more efficient, and some would even say, more fun. C++ (/ˌsiːˌplʌsˈplʌs/) is a general-purpose programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C programming language ...


Blood is the life giving fluid that delivers oxygen to the cells of the body. It is a specialized type of connective tissue that consists of red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells suspended in a liquid plasma matrix. Did you know that blood accounts for about 8 percent of your body weight or that blood contains small amounts of gold?  While humans have red colored blood, other organisms have blood of varying colors. Crustaceans, spiders, squid, octopuses, and some arthropods have blue blood. Some types of worms and leeches have green blood. Some species of marine worms have violet blood. Insects, including beetles and butterflies, have colorless or pale-yellowish blood. The color of blood is determined by the type of respiratory pigment used to transport oxygen via the circulatory system to cells. The respiratory pigment in humans is a protein called hemoglobin found in red blood cells. Your body contains about a gal...