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The white shark, commonly called the great white shark, is one of the most iconic and feared creatures of the ocean. With its razor-sharp teeth and menacing appearance, it certainly looks dangerous. But the more we learn about this creature, the more we learn they are not indiscriminate predators, and definitely don't prefer humans as prey. Great white sharks are relatively large, although likely not as large as they might be in our imagination.   T he largest shark species is a plankton eater, the whale shark. Great whites average about 10-15 feet in length, and their maximum size is estimated at a length of 20 feet and weight of 4,200 pounds. Females are generally larger than males. They have a stout body, black eye, a steel gray back and a white underside.  Great white sharks are widely distributed across the world's oceans. This shark resides mostly in temperate waters in the pelagic zone. They can range to depths over 775 feet. They may patrol coastal...


The elephant seal (genus Mirounga ) is the world's largest seal. There are two species of elephant seals, named according to the hemisphere in which they are found. Northern elephant seals ( M. angustirostris)  are found in coastal waters around Canada and Mexico, while southern elephant seals ( M. leonina ) are found off the coast of New Zealand, South Africa, and Argentina.   Only the adult male (bull) "elephant of the sea" has the large proboscis that resembles an elephant's trunk. The bull uses the proboscis to roar during the mating season. The large nose acts as a rebreather, allowing the seal to reabsorb moisture when it exhales. During the mating season, seals don't leave the beach, so they must conserve water.   Southern elephant seals are a bit larger than northern elephant seals. Males of both species are much larger than females. An average adult southern male may weigh 3,000 kg (6,600 lb) and reach a length of 5 m (16 ft), while the a...


Penguins are feathered birds , but they are, differently feathered. Because they spend so much of their lives in the water, they keep their feathers slicked down and waterproofed. Penguins have a special oil gland, called a preen gland, that produces a steady supply of waterproofing oil. A penguin uses its beak to apply the substance to its feathers regularly. Their oiled feathers help keep them warm in the frigid waters, and also reduce drag when they're swimming. Like other birds, penguins molt old feathers and regrow replacements. But instead of losing some feathers at different times throughout the year, penguins do their molting all at once. This is known as a catastrophic molt. Once each year, the penguin bulks up on fish to prepare for its annual changing of the feathers. Then, over a period of a few weeks, it molts all of its feathers and grows new ones. Because its feathers are so vital to its ability to survive in cold waters, it makes sense for a penguin to simply...


Concealer   is  a  beauty   product   that    should  be  in  ever  girls' make-up   bag.  It   helps  you  to    look  less  tired  ,fresher,    and   brighter.When  applied   the  right  way  it  can   seriously   change  your  complexion.Put  it  on  a blemish   dark  spot   or  cover  dark  spots. Some  quick  concealer    tips    you  should   know  .- Choose   the  right  type - Pick   out  the  right  concealer.There  are  two  types  of  concealer .Liquid  concealer,  which  is  better  for  dry  skin   and  thicker  or  creamy  concealer   whic...


At  home   beauty   remedies  can  be  found  in  your  kitchen  cupboard    and you  can  whip  up   some  amazing    beauty  remedies  that  are  good  enough   even  to  eat.So  here   are   some   delicious   skin    treating   remedies .- Strawberry    and  honey   antibacterial   fac e mask- Honey  has  a  great  anti bacterial   properties   and  can  be  used to  reduce   acne   while  strawberries   absorb  oil  and   soothe  blemishes . Making-  Cut  some  strawberries    in  half   and  crush   with  spoon   and  then  add  a  table spoon...


Spiky  green  leaves   ,prickly   skin  and ,  yellow  flesh  ,this  is  what   Pineapple   is,with  its  sweet  bitter  taste .It    is   not  only  good  for  palate  but  also   for   your  skin.Pineapple  is   rich  in   Vitamins and   minerals  ,so  it  is  good  for  your   skin. Some  of  its  benefits  are- Pineapple is also a source of bromelain, an enzyme that softens and exfoliates skin. It helps get rid of all the cells that accumulate on its surface, revealing the brighter and smoother new layer of skin underneath. You can make your own exfoliate by mixing 1/4 of mashed pineapple, 1/4 of mashed papaya, 2 tbsp of brown sugar, 1 tbsp of sweet almond oil, and 1 tbsp of honey. Apply the mixture Spi...


The kidneys are the main organs of the urinary system. They function chiefly to filter blood in order to remove wastes and excess water. The waste and water are excreted as urine. The kidneys also reabsorb and return to the blood needed substances, including amino acids, sugar, sodium, potassium, and other nutrients. The kidneys filter about 200 quarts of blood per day and produce about 2 quarts of wa ste and extra fluid. This urine flows through tubes called ureters to the bladder. The bladder stores the urine until it is excreted from the body. Kidney Anatomy and Functions  The kidneys are popularly described as being bean-shaped and reddish in color. They are located in the middle region of the back, with one on either side of the spinal column. Each kidney is about 12 centimeters long and 6 centimeters wide. Blood is supplied to each kidney through an artery called the renal artery. Processed blood is removed from the kidneys and...