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Scientists developed the first implantable artificial kidney in the world. The artificial kidney contains a microchip filter and living kidney calls that can run using the patient's heart. The bio-hybrid kidney mimics the real organ by removing salt, water and waste products to keep patients from relying on dialysis. At the heart of the artificial kidney lies the microchip called silicon nanotechnology. Each artificial kidney contains 15 microchips in layers that are used as filters and a support system wherein the living cells will be placed. Dr. William H. Fissell IV explained that kidney cells can be grown in a laboratory dish and nurtured into a bioreactor of living cells. This will then become the 'Santa Claus' membrane that can distinguish 'naughty' and 'nice' chemicals.   they can reabsorb the nutrients your body needs and discard the wastes your body desperately wants to get rid of," said Fissell, an associate professor of ...


A new blood test that detects five different forms of cancer is one step closer to becoming a reality and could save millions of lives around the world. The team of scientists developing the new diagnostic tool have branded their discovery of a 'striking DNA signature' in five forms of the disease, an 'important step'. The signature occurs in colon, lung, breast, stomach and endometrial cancers, researchers at the National Human Genome Research Institute found. When tumors develop in any of these areas, one specific gene - known as' ZNF154 '- changes its chemical signature. It raises hopes that a simple blood test to diagnose these, and other forms of the disease, may become a reality in the near future. Researchers found when a person was suffering cancer, higher amounts of methylation occurred - a process where a gene is switched 'off'. They describe methylation as controlling the expression of genes 'like a dimmer on...


Bonsai is the art of aesthetic miniaturisation of trees and plants in containers. In Japanese a Bonsai, means “tray-planted”. A bonsai plant is not a dwarf plant but equal to the full sized flowering plant. The main objective of bonsai plants is to create a tree or plant, and even landscapes, in miniature. The flowering perennials grown as bonsais are called as Flowering Bonsais.  flowering Bonsai plant need feeding, watering, pruning and training at regular interwals for its healthy growth. The bonsais are grown in small containers to get a desired shape by the application of wire coils. The three most essential aspects to be considered when we go for a bonsai are - 1) the selection of containers, , 2) the position of the plant in the container, and 3) the choice of the plant variety.   There are four sizes of flowering bonsais : miniature, small, medium, and average. Miniature bonsais range grow to 2 inches in height, maturing in about five yea...


Being   grateful     can  help   you  to  keep  your  heart  healthy ,yes   this  is   true.Acc ording  to  a  new    research  ,published   by   the  American  Psychological   Association ,being  grateful    is  associated  with  better  mood,higher quality  sleep   and  less   inflammation  in  patients  with  asymptomatic  heart  failure . Recognizing    and   giving  thanks  for  the  positive   aspects   of  life  can  result  in   improved  mental   and  physical   health  in  patients   with  asymptomatic   heart  failure . "We  found  that  more   gratitude ...
HUMAN   NOSE  CAN  DISTINGUISH  AROUND  4000  different substances.We   use  our  nose   to  breathe  and   to smell.We  can   differentiate   the  good and  bad  dour.Smell   Smell    floats  in  the  air.We   smell   things  when  take  in  air  through  our  noses.The  sensory  cells  in  the  ,detect  the  smell    and  send  message  to  the  brain  .But  the  exact  details  of  a  smell   mechanism  are  still  uncertain.Our   sense  of  smell   also  helps  our  sense  of  taste.So  our  sense  of  smell  and  taste   are...


There  are  more than 200   bones   in our  body.All  together  they   form  the body's  hard skeleton   framework.As  we grow up  ,the bones grow  longer  thicker  .Bones  are composed    mainly  of  calcium,phosphorus  and a fibrous  substance  known  as collagen.Bones   give  a definite    shape  to  the  body.Each  bone  is made up  of ,hard  exterior  surrounding,but a spongy  ,lighter   interior .The  soft  organ are also  protected  under the  hard  shield of bones.Bones are  very    strong  but  they  can break .Long  bones  are  hollow  and the cavity  contains  marrow  ;This  is  a  soft pulpy tissue ,from  which red  and white...