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Showing posts from January, 2025


  SCIENTISTS    have  designed   a   paint  on  see-via,  smart   bandage  that   glows  to  indicate  a  wound's   tissue    oxygenation    concentration . The   smart   bandage  created by  an  international , multidisciplinary  group  of  researchers  ,led  by  assistant professor Connor L.Evans  at  the   Wellman  center  for  photo medicine   of   Massachusetts   Basic  Hospital(MGH  )  and  Harvard   Healthcare  College(HMS ,  provides   direct,  noninvasive    measurement  of   tissue  oxygenation   by  combining  three   simple  , compact   and  economical  components ;a  bright  sensor  molecule ...


    About the size of a pearl, the hypothalamus directs a multitude of important functions in the body. Located in the diencephalon region of the fore brain, the hypothalamus is the control center for many autonomic functions of the peripheral nervous system. Connections with structures of the endocrine and nervous systems enable the hypothalamus to play a vital role in maintaining homeostasis. Homeostasis is the process of maintaining bodily equilibrium by monitoring and adjusting physiological processes. Blood vessel connections between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland allow hypothalamic hormones to control pituitary hormone secretion. Some of the physiological processes regulated by the hypothalamus include blood pressure, body temperature, cardiovascular system functions, fluid balance, and electrolyte balance. As a limbic system structure, the hypothalamus also influences various emotional responses. The hypothalamus regulates emot...


  Messenger, an instant messaging service owned by Facebook, can do a whole lot more than send texts. Facebook launched Messenger in August 2011 after the acquisition of a group messaging app called Beluga. Although it's owned and operated by Facebook, the app and website are separate from Facebook.  You don't have to be on Facebook's website or even have a Facebook account, to use Messenger. While the two are partially connected when you have a Facebook account, you aren't required to have one to use Messenger.  Messenger can be used in conjunction with Facebook on your computer, at or accessed using the mobile Messenger app on Android and iOS devices. Because Messenger works on iPhones, it also works on the Apple Watch.  FEATURES-  There are lots of features packed into Messenger. The fact that you don't have to have a Facebook account to use Messenger means these perks are available even for individu...


  A  healthy   diet  promotes   success   in  life -  better  concentration   and  alertness,  better  physical  health  that  translate  into   good  mental  and   emotional  health. Good  eating  habits   also   are  a  front  line  defense   against  obesity,when  a  child  eats  many   more  calories  than  he  or  she  uses  up. An   obese    is  at  risk  for   developing  diabetes ,high blood pressure,  asthma   and  sleep  apnea.   "No  parent  wants   her  child  to  be  sick .No  parent   wants  her  child  to   feel  like  an  outsider  in   social...


  Penguins are feathered birds , but they are, differently feathered. Because they spend so much of their lives in the water, they keep their feathers slicked down and waterproofed. Penguins have a special oil gland, called a preen gland, that produces a steady supply of waterproofing oil. A penguin uses its beak to apply the substance to its feathers regularly. Their oiled feathers help keep them warm in the frigid waters, and also reduce drag when they're swimming. Like other birds, penguins molt old feathers and regrow replacements. But instead of losing some feathers at different times throughout the year, penguins do their molting all at once. This is known as a catastrophic molt. Once each year, the penguin bulks up on fish to prepare for its annual changing of the feathers. Then, over a period of a few weeks, it molts all of its feathers and grows new ones. Because its feathers are so vital to its ability to survive in cold waters, it makes sense for a p...


  Heart   is  a  hollow  muscular   organ in  the  middle  of the  chest.It  pumps  blood   around   the   body  each  time  it   beats  slowly.Its  weight  is  approximately  300  gram.When   the  human  body  is  at  rest ,the   heart  beats  between   60  and  80  times  a  minute,while  during  exercise or  at  the  time  of stress   or  excitement,  the  rate  may  increase  to  200 beats  a  minute. One  side  of  the  heart  receives   blood  from  the  body   and  send it  to   the  lungs  to  collect  oxygen.The  other  side  receive  blood...


  The   most  loving  fun  food   ,while  watching  a  movie   is   you  known   ,is  popcorn  or  we  can  say  movie  snack.It  is  so   simple  and  easy . But  have  you   ever  thought   how  a   kernel  of  corn  becomes  a  popcorn?surprisingly   ,its  making  is  not  so  simple .It  involves  an  intriguing  combination  of  thermodynamics    and  fracture  mechanics. French   investigators   and  engineers  Emmanuel  Vi rot  and   Alexandre     Ponomarenko  carried  out  experiments     into   what  makes  popcorn  pop  corn  ,well,  pop.     ...


    Studying abroad is one of the most exciting experiences a college student can have. The world is yours to explore! ,there   is  so  many  places  but  choose  the  best  among  them  .some  most  liked  places  to  learn  are - LLONDON  (ENGLAND)   London is a leading global city in the arts, commerce, education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media, professional services, research and development, tourism, and transportation. It is crowned as the world's largest financial centre   and has the  fifth- or sixth-largest metropolitan area GDP in the world. London is a world cultural capital.It is the world's most-visited city  as measured by international arrivals and has the world's largest city airport system measured by passenger traffic. London is the world's leading investment destination, hosting more internat...


  College  life  is  full   of   stress  and  tension .There  are   many kind  of  stresses   relating  to study,   career , how  to achieve    good performance   at  study,relationship  with  fellow  students, even  with  teachers  and  how  to  optimize  overall  performance.True  , all  these  matters  are  important  but remember   good   physical   and  mental   health   is  utmost   important  because  only  then  you could   concentrate   on  your  studies   and  other  matters.So  it  is  essential   to  maintain  a  healthy  and  stress  free  mind  and  body.  Some  ways  to...