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Showing posts from February, 2023


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a technical marvel made possible by a group of satellites in Earth's orbit that transmit precise signals, allowing GPS receivers to calculate and display accurate location, speed and time information to the user. By capturing the signals from three or more satellites (among a constellation of 31 satellites available), GPS receivers are able to triangulate data and pinpoint your location. With the addition of computing power and data stored in memory such as road maps, points of interest, topographic information and much more, GPS receivers are able to convert location, speed and time information into a useful display format. GPS was originally created by the United States Department of Defense (DOD) as a military application. The system has been active since the early 1980s but began to become useful to civilians in the late 1990s. Consumer GPS has since become a multi-billion dollar industry with a wide ...




Now   people  are turning to the Web for entertainment,  including  movies, TV shows, and videos. Some  sites are the best on the Web for finding all sorts of multimedia, anything from documentaries to classic TV shows to action-packed movies  made for popcorn and soda. These are free resources that anyone can use. Here  are  some  sites   that  you  can  enjoy  on  the  net. Surf The Channel: Surf The Channel is a great source for hundreds of different shows in a wide range of categories. It's a video search engine, so you can use it find movies, TV shows, videos, short films, and animation – all in the same place. IMDB: IMDB, also known as the Internet Movie Database, has added free full length movies and TV shows to its already large and informative site. You can also use IMDB to look up information about any actor: upcoming movies, current projects, images, and movie...


C++ is a cross-platform language that can be used to create high-performance applications. C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, as an extension to the C language. C++ gives programmers a high level of control over system resources and memory. It is widely used in building real-time, image processing, mobile sensor applications, and visual effects, modeling which is mainly coded in C++. This developed software used for animation, environments, motion graphics, virtual reality, and character creation.   C++, pronounced "C plus plus," is a programming language that was built off the C language. The syntax of C++ is nearly identical to C, but it has object-oriented features, which allow the programmer to create objects within the code. This makes programming easier, more efficient, and some would even say, more fun. C++ (/ˌsiːˌplʌsˈplʌs/) is a general-purpose programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C programming language, or "C...


A virtual private network, better known as a VPN, protects your identity and browsing activity from hackers, businesses, government agencies, and other snoops. When connecting to the internet, your data and IP address are hidden by a type of virtual tunnel. This keeps others from spying on your online activity.\ How  it  works.     When you sign up with a VPN provider, you first log onto that service before you connect to the internet. Once you are connected, others can't see your activity. Your VPN provider will encrypt your data, scrambling it so that hackers, government agencies, and businesses can't see what websites you visit, messages you send, social media sites you use, or files you download. A  safe  Way       A quality VPN is a safer way to search the internet. Without a VPN, your browsing and downloading activity could be visible to hackers, snoops, and cybercriminals. A hacker could intercept your email messages,...


Internet cookies (the non-edible type) are tiny files stored on your hard drive by your browser that contain information about your visit to a particular website, like login status, personalization, and advertising preferences, etc. Most of the time, cookies make browsing much more enjoyable by keeping you logged in to a site you visit frequently or remembering the several questions you've already answered at your favorite polling site. Sometimes, however, a cookie may remember something you'd rather it didn't, or even become corrupted, resulting in a browsing experience that's less than enjoyable. This is when deleting cookies may be a good idea. You might also want to delete cookies if you're experiencing issues like 500 Internal Server or 502 Bad Gateway errors (among others), which are sometimes indications that the one or more cookies for a particular site are corrupted and should be removed. How Do I Delete Co...


LastPass is a secure password manager that stores all of your usernames and passwords in one safe place, called a Vault. After you save a password to your Vault, LastPass always remembers it for you. When you need to log in to a website, LastPass enters your username and password for you!   LastPass is a freemium password manager that stores encrypted passwords online. The standard version of LastPass comes with a web interface, but also includes plugins for various web browsers and apps for many smartphones. It also includes support for bookmarklets. The excellent LastPass Premium matches the capabilities of other top paid password managers and is easy to use.   LastPass can import passwords saved in your browser's password manager, other password manager products, or files exported from other sources. Click the LastPass icon in your browser's toolbar, then click More options. Click Advanced. Click Import.   LastPass has a zero-knowledge policy, meaning e...


No one wants to have their private contact information bought and sold to other companies and be added to yet another marketing list so that they receive even more SPAM than they already have to deal with. Even worse is when your personal information ends up as part of a massive data breach, at that point, SPAM might be the least of your problems. How can you protect your private email, phone number, and other uniquely identifying data from being abused by marketers and other Internet-based hooligans such as identity thieves?   Proxies A proxy, by definition, is a go-between or a surrogate for something else. Think of a proxy as a middleman (in this case a service and not an actual man). You can use proxy services to hide your true phone number, email address, IP address, etc. Let's take a look at how you can use proxies to your benefit. IP Address Proxies (VPN) Want to hide your IP address and take advantage of other great features such ...


 Try  these  web sites   these are full  of information   and skill.Help   you in  many  ways.       Glassdoor : Jobs & recruiting site with millions of company reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, interview questions and much more     Google Translate : Free service to instantly translate words, phrases and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.   Google Trends : Discover the latest search trends, data and visualizations from Google.     Grammarly : Writing enhancement and plagiarism detection platform to check your spelling and grammar     Homestyler : Take the guesswork out of interior decoration and design your home in 3D with this amazing website.     Hide My Ass! : VPN service to ensure total online privacy and streaming freedom     Honey : Automatically search for the best coupon...


WALKING     IS  THE    MOST   SIMPLE    BUT    MOST  USEFUL    EXERCISE.It     has     many    advantages  and   is  very   simple  .Our    ancestors    were  aware    of  its    advantages   but   they   did  not      know      the    precise    physical     effects     of  walking .Modern     medicine   and  doctors    today       make      assertions   about  the    benefits  of  brisk  walking   that  ...