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Showing posts from April, 2020


A hazmat suit is a piece of personal protective equipment that consists of an impermeable whole-body garment worn as protection against hazardous materials. Such suits are often combined with self-contained breathing apparatus to ensure a supply of breathable air. Hazmat suits are used by  firefighters  ,paramedics  researchers, personnel responding to toxic spills, specialists cleaning up contaminated facilities, and workers in toxic environments. Hazmat suits are barrier formed of plastic, fabric and rubber, along with an independent source of oxygen. They protect workers by separating them from their hazardous environment. Simpler suits can be slipped on   to protect against harmful liquids, but more advanced suits can become completely airtight to defend against airborne contaminants and toxic chemicals. This versatility has meant that hazmat suits can be used by the military, in industry and by healthcare workers. The term ’hazmat suit’ covers...


A hazmat suit is a piece of personal protective equipment that consists of an impermeable whole-body garment worn as protection against hazardous materials. Such suits are often combined with self-contained breathing apparatus to ensure a supply of breathable air. Hazmat suits are used by  firefighters  ,paramedics  researchers, personnel responding to toxic spills, specialists cleaning up contaminated facilities, and workers in toxic environments. Hazmat suits are barrier formed of plastic, fabric and rubber, along with an independent source of oxygen. They protect workers by separating them from their hazardous environment. Simpler suits can be slipped on   to protect against harmful liquids, but more advanced suits can become completely airtight to defend against airborne contaminants and toxic chemicals. This versatility has meant that hazmat suits can be used by the military, in industry and by healthcare workers. The term ’hazmat suit’ covers...


IN  1998,THE  FIRST  component  of   the  International  space   station  (ISS)  were  launched  from  Russia  and   the  US.The  ISS  will  provide   a  unique  place  to  study    the  Earth  ,  and  to  see   ,how  the  sun;s violent   eruptions    affect  the   operation  of  the communications   satellites  ,  and  the weather  on  the   Earth .The  effect  of  gravity    inside  the  station    will  be   minuscule   and  scientists   will   be able     to  study  a  myriad  of  subtle    biological  ,physical,...


THE  MILKY  WAY  IS  THE  NAME   GIVEN  TO   THE  FAINT  BAND  OF  LIGHT  that  stretches   across  the  night  sky . This  light   comes    from   stars  and nebulae in  our  galaxy,  known  as  the   Milky   way  Galaxy  or  simply   as  the  "Galaxy".The  Galaxy  is  shaped    like a  spiral ,   with  a  dense   central  bulge  that  is encircled   by  four  arms   spiraling    outwards   and  surrounded  by a  less  dense  halo.We  can  not  see the spiral  shape  because   the  Solar system  is  in  one  of  the  spiral...


SPACE  SUITS  are    wear  by  the  Astronauts    who  go  into   space.It   protects  them .Earlier   Astronauts   had  only  one  type  of space suits,but  today  they  wear  different  type  of  space suits  for  different  activities.For    working   in   a  space station there   is  a  light    weight   space  suite,a  special  space  suit   for  to  and  fro  flight .For   walking  outside  the   spaceship   ,air  sealed  space suit  is  used.The   space suit  for  walking  in  the  space  comprise  many  many  layers  of  plastic...


A  GALAXY  IS    A  HUGE   MASS    OF  STARS , nebulae,   and  interstellar    material .The  smallest    Galaxies    contain  about   100,000  stars ,  while  the  largest  contain  up  to   3,000   billion  stars . There  are  three   main  types   of  Galaxy , classified  according    to  their  shape ;elliptical  ,which    are  oval  shaped; spiral, which  have   arms  spiraling  outwards   from  a  central  bulge; and  irregular, which   have  no  obvious  shape .Some times ,  the   shape  of  a  galaxy   is  distorted  by  by  a  collision ...


THE  SOLAR  SYSTEM  consists   of  a  central   star  (the  sun) and  the  bodies that  orbit  it.These  bodies  include  nine  planets   and  their  61  moons ;asteroids ,comets,and  meteoroids.The  solar  system  also   contain  interplanetary    gas  and  dust.Most of  the  planets   fall  into  two  groups ;four  small   rocky   planets  near  the   sun (Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars,)  and  four planets    further  out ,  the  gas  giants(Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus, and  Neptune.)Pluto  is  the  outermost  planet , except  when  it  passes  briefly   inside  Neptune's   orbit.Between  the rocky plan...


ACRYLICS   PAINT   IS  MADE  BY  MIXING  PIGMENTS with  a   synthetic   resin  .It  can  be  thinned  wi t h  wate r    but  dries   to  become  water  insol u bl e.Acrylic s   are  applied  to  many  surfaces  ,such  as  paper  and  acrylic -primed  board   and  canvas.A  variety  of  brushes ,painting knives  , rollers,ai r  b rushes,plastic scrapers  are  used  in   Acrylic  painting.The  v ersatility   of  Acrylics  make  them   suitable   for  a  wide   ran  of  techniques   .They  can   be   used   op a qu ely  or  by  adding  water-  in  a  transparent , wat...


According  to  a  new  research   ,regular  brisk  walking   is  a   more  effective   method   for  weight  loss  than   going  to  the  Gym.  A study by the London School of Economics found that those who engaged in “regular, brisk walking” for longer than half an hour had lower Body Mass Indexes (BMI) and smaller waists than those who did other exercise such as going the gym or playing football or rugby. The results were particularly true for women, people over 50 and those on low incomes. Dr Grace Lordan, who led the research said: “The results thus provide an argument for a campaign to promote walking… Given the obesity epidemic and the fact that a large proportion of people are inactive, recommending that people walk briskly more often is a cheap and easy policy option.” ...


Flower   gardening   consist  of  planting  flowery  plants  in  your  garden.Flowery  plants   are  of  many  types .They  are -Perennial   flower,Annual   flowers ,Biennial    flowers . Perennial   flowers -Perennial   flowers  gardening   is  very  popular  because  these  live  more  than  one  garden  season.It   lets  your  garden design   evolve.But  erennials   don't  live  for  ever.  and  not  every  perennial   flower survive  winter.They   are  considered    ornamental plants   and  expected  to  live   longer than  two  years. Annual  Flower  -Annual  flower    or...