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Showing posts from November, 2011


The   Urogenital  system  mainly  related  to two  types  of functions.One  is related  to  the  kidneys that maintain  the  volume and  composition   of  body fluids   within   very  narrow  limits.Second  is related  to   the sex organs that facilitates  reproduction.Kidneys  help  in maintaining   the body's  internal   environment   in  physiological   state.A  healthy  kidney performs  regulation  of  water   in  the body, maintains normal acid  /base equilibrium,eliminates metabolic waste products  and also  maintains  the retention  of  vital  substances.The   is why  the kidney  receives   the  one  quarter  of the  cardiac   output  whic...


We   need food  to keep  us alive.What happens  to that food  inside our body? The process from  the moment  the food enter the mouth until  it mixes  into blood stream is called  digestion.Digestion  usually  takes up  to 18 hours.There are about  8 meters  of tubes and chambers inside our body that process  the food eaten by us.It consist of organs that  help in chewing ,swallowing,breakdown and absorption   of food as well as expulsion  from the body of what is left afer  the process.In  the mouth the  tongue and teeth  helps   in  breaking of food  .Then  this  bolus  is transferred  to the stomach after we swallow  it. Gastric juce in  the  stomach  ,is rich  in  hydrocloric  acid  and the protein-spilitting  enzyme  pepsin.Then  food reaches Duodenum through...

know your body nose and tongue

A human nose  can distinguish around  4000 different  substances.We  use our nose  to breathe  and to smell.We can differentiate  the god and bad odor.Smell  floats in the air.We smell  things  we take in air  through  our noses.The sensory cells  in the nose,detect the smell and send message to the brain.Our sense  of smell  also  help  our sense of taste.So, our sense of smell and taste are  closely linked. Our tongue  receptors   differentiate  only four  types of taste qualities; sweet,sour,salt,and bitter.There  are thousands  of taste  buds all over  the tongue.These   survive  only for a matter of days  under go  rapid and continuous   replacement.Each  taste  bud  consist  of  sensory  cells  that  are  connected    to  the mid brain through taste  fibers.The...

know your body.-EARS

Any  sound playing a drum  ,song , music  is a vibration  which  travel  along the air  waves .These   sound vibration reach  an  cardrum.The  cardrum   is attached  to  a bone -called   hammer .This hammer  passes   the sound  onto   two  more  bones  called  anvil and stirrup.These    two  bones  transmit  the sound vibration  to inner ear   where these  sounds  are converted   into electrical  signals  that our brain  can interpret.We  can  differentiate  between high  and low volume   and pitch.Our   ears  not only  allows  us  to hear  but  they also  help  us to  keep  our balance.We  can also  detect  the direction of the sound.The  one of the outer part...


adve advertising advertising th="300"> An eye work like a camera  that takes  pictures of the world around us.Without them,it would   become  very difficult for us ,to do even a small task.When we look at an object,Light  rays enter  through  the pupil.A  colored   part in  an eye, called  Iris ,controls  the amount of light entering  into  the eyes.When  the light falls on a curved  transparent    lens of the eye,it  bends  the light so that  a clear picture is formed at the back of the eye on the area called retina.As our vision  changes our brain  makes a series  of pictures,hundreds of times  a second.The nerves  in the brain make a sense  of the pictures-like changes in colour,finding edges,recognizing shades  and recognizing shapes of the objects.There are three types   of the objects.There are three t...

know your body.-Touching

Our  skin  is  a protective  layer  between   the body  and its  external environment.It  works  as   a  sensor to mo niter  changes  in exterior  physical   conditions.Different  kinds  of  situations such  as heat,cold,pain and pressure,provoke different types   of nerve  cells,in the skin.Thus  ,the  brain   is  sent  the  useful information of the happenings,outside the body,and  it in turn, commands   an action  to different   parts  of the body.For example,when  we happen to  hold a flower  with  a thorn and detect  pain,message  from   the arm  are sent  to  the spine.A spine  sends  this message  to  the brain    and  brain  command  the hand muscles   to throw  the fl...

know your body Nervous system

The  Nervous  system  consists  of  nerves  that take  messages from our senses  to the  brain.It is  the communication  and control network of the human  body.Nerves  are made  up  of  long thin cells,called neurons.Nerves  carry  information  from  the  skin,eyes,ears  and  mouth,telling  the brain what is going on outside  the body.Instructions from  the  brain are sent , to the muscle cells at the right time and to the right place regarding every  movement we make.Our spinal cord is connected  directly  to our brain.From  the spinal  cord,nerves radiate out   reaching  every part of the body.Each nerve has thousand of individual  nerve cells which  carry electrical signals to  and from the spinal  cord and brain.The brain  looks like a giant ,wrinkled  walnut.The brain  and s...