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  Research shows that healthy and supportive relationships can reduce stress and improve your overall health and sense of well-being. However, all relationships are not equally supportive. Building a network of supportive friends, or even just one supportive relationship can be vital to your well being.  Some skills that can help you to build relationships with people that are truly supportive and sustaining are- Meeting People    The more people you have in your life, the more likely you are to have truly supportive relationships with at least one of them. It’s beneficial to be able to regularly add new people to your circle. Here are some good ways to meet people   . Assertiveness People often think of assertiveness as ‘standing up for yourself’ and ‘not letting people push you around’ – basically the alternative to passivity. While this is mostly true, assertiveness is also the alternative to aggressiveness, a w
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    Flying   robotic  waiters  ,  known as    Infinium-Serve   will  be  launched  in  Singapore   restaurant   chain ,according  to   local  media  . In  what  is  believed   to  be      the  world's  first    co  by  commercial  attempt    at  replacing    human s   with  machines  in  this field , Timber  group  plans  to   have  robots  waiting     tables   by  the  end  of  next   year. Infinium  Robotics   and  Timber  group  -  one  of  Singapore's  most  popular    restaurant    chains -signed  a    memorandum.  of  understanding   to  launch  the    robots  in  five  outlets. According  to  Chief  executive     officer  Woon   Junyang  , replacing   waiter    and  waitress with  robots   would  help  elevate  Singapore's    labor  crunch  and  allows  human  waiters    to  focus  on  more    interesting   higher  value  tasks , such  as   getting  feed  back   from  customers  and  offering   wine. "This   will   result   in  an  e


    Have  you  ever  thought  ,who  gets  your  digital  assets  after  you?your  selfies , your e-books, your social  communication  on   Facebook, the    taunting  and  trolling  on  twitter,  and  those  priceless e-mails  with  million   dollar   ideas  that   did   not  fructify  immediately but  in  future  could  become   worth   millions . All    these   digital  staff   or  rather  digital  property  of  yours , now  can  be  bequeath to  your  dear  or  near  ones. The  US   state  of  Delaware  has  passed  a  landmark  legislation  that  allows  its  residents  to  bequeath    their  digital  property to their heirs , just  as  they  would  their   financial  and   physical  assets .This  was  a  grey  -and  -evolving  area so far. and  several  other  states   are  looking at  the   Delaware  law. The  primary  purpose  of  the  law ,  is  to  give  executors  access    to  information , post  death, that  many    tech  companies  , ,  includ


      To create a secure password that is easy for you to remember, follow these simple steps: Do Not Use Personal Information You should never use personal information as a part of your password. It is very easy for someone to guess things like your last name, pet's name, child's birth date and other similar details. Do Not Use Real Words There are tools available to help attackers guess your password. With today's computing power, it doesn't take long to try every word in the dictionary and find your password, so it is best if you do not use real words for your password. Mix Different Character Types You can make a password much more secure by mixing different types of characters. Use some uppercase letters along with lowercase letters, numbers and even special characters such as '&' or '%'. Use A Passphrase >Rather th an trying to remember a password created using va


Whether you're looking to set up a small business website, an online photography portfolio or even just a personal blog, almost anyone can learn how to make a free site using basic internet skills. Understand the Difference Between Self-Hosted and Hosted Websites A self-hosted website is one you set up yourself whereas a hosted website really just involves signing up for a free account on a hosted website platform. Self-hosted websites cost money to set up and maintain because it's up to you to purchase your own domain name and get a hosting provider. They also often require more technical skills for building and maintaining your site. Hosted sites are not only free, but also simpler. The downside is that you won't get your own domain name (unless you choose to integrate it with a purchased domain from a domain registrar) and there are more limitations to what you can do with the design and functionality of y


GoodGuide provides transparent information about products and brands to help consumers cut through confusing and sometimes misleading claims . GoodGuide's iPhone and Android apps give shoppers objective, science-based product ratings right in the shopping aisle.   GoodGuide.Com was an online web, iPhone app and Android app tool which enabled consumers to retrieve evaluations of the health, environmental, and social impacts of consumer products such as toys, food, and detergents     GoodGuide is your guide to all things that are good for you and good for the environment .  The GoodGuide app for iOS contains ratings for over 210,000 products in a variety of categories, including fo od, health and beauty aids, pet food, baby care and more. GoodGuide allows consumers to screen products based on one's personal interests or concerns — organics, ingredient safety, energy-efficiency, animal welfare, climate change, etc., or any combination thereof. Users can easily dial the


  The best way to avoid winter germs is with a flu shot, a healthy lifestyle and good personal hygiene. Colds and flues are caught in two main ways: From respiratory droplets spread from a cough or sneeze (droplets generally travel By touching contaminated surfaces such as door handles, taps, tissues and hands and then touching your mouth, nose or eyes. Flu viruses can survive on some hard surfaces for up to 2 days.   Boosting your immune system helps your body fight germs. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and veggies, reduce stress, don’t smoke and get plenty of sleep and exercise. Avoid close contact with people who are sick as much as possible. Wash your hands often in soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand gel, especially before eating and after contact with a sick person.   A well-fitting face mask covering the nose and mouth helps protect against airborne viruses. They should be used only once and changed 2-3 times daily. Surgical paper mas